10 Best WWE TV Show Intros

5. WWE SmackDown (1999)

When SmackDown premiered in 1999, it was important for WWE to give the show a completely different look and feel compared to that of it's second show, Raw is War. When you thought of Raw, you thought of fire, smoke and grit. Hell, it was a war zone after all. Aesthetically, SmackDown went in a completely opposite direction. SmackDown was cool, slick and modern. The fast paced intro still made it clear that this show would have all the star power, unpredictability and chaos of it's red-coloured counterpart, but the whole feel of SmackDown was just much more... fresh. Trivia: That's actually WWE's legendary composer, Jim Johnston, singing the vocals of the SmackDown theme tune. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSjon8Bcmss
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It ain't easy! Former Manager of Ultimate Warrior's "WarriorWeb", Former Senior Editor of Vince Russo's "Pyro and Ballyhoo", and wrestling fan for over twenty five years. Daniel's favourite wrestling memory is being in Wembley Stadium with his Grandad for SummerSlam '92.