10 Best WWE Wrestlers From Chicago

7. Adam Pearce

Cm Punk Stars
By daysofthundr46 (IMG_2048) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Born in Lake Forest, IL, a suburb of Chicago, Adam Pearce has not only worked for the WWE from 1997-00 as a jobber, but worked as a guest coach and trainer in NXT through 2013-14, eventually becoming hired as a full time trainer in 2015 where - you guessed it - he trained the likes of Jason Jordan and Aiden English. I believe I am now playing “six degrees of Chicago wrestling”.

Adam Pearce has had an extensive career around the world including success in Japan and Ring of Honor, and is known mostly for multiple runs as NWA Heavyweight Champion. Pearce would have his final match in 2014 against Colt Cobana. Colt Cobana? You know what that means!


Wrestling, death metal, and cats.