10 Best WWF Matches Of The 1980s

6. Hulk Hogan/Randy Savage vs. Big Bossman/Akeem - 2/2/89

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xttqg_mega-powers-vs-twin-towers-89_news There's a great argument for Hulk Hogan wrestling the Big Bossman in a series of cage matches later on in 1989, but the match that set off a) the breakup of the Mega Powers, b) a great love triangle storyline and c) the aforementioned cage matches, may actually be the better match involving Ray Traylor and Hulk Hogan. If you want a match that involves everything one could love about the WWF in the 1980s, it's here. The heels are a tag team comprising a Southern corrections officer, a giant white guy who's a former gang leader turned jive talking supposed African black man and their manager, a fast-talking pimp. The babyfaces are Hulk Hogan and a jealous, yet rising in popularity Randy Savage, plus arguably one of the most beautiful women of the 1980s, Savage's manager Miss Elizabeth. Bossman and Akeem are amazing heels, Savage is great at selling, and Hulk Hogan attempting to save Elizabeth after she gets bumped by Savage is one of those moments that makes ZERO sense in wrestling psychology. However, for the purposes of real life, Hogan's decision ups the gravitas. The post-match angle is as important as the match itself, as Savage goes full psycho and there's Hulk Hogan, more sympathetic than ever before.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.