10 Best Years In WWE History
5. 2002
WWE dusted itself off from the regrettable mistakes of the ECWCW Invasion angle to present a corker of a follow-up year. Their mainstream appeal was waning slightly - but the match quality was almost peerless.
Part of what made 2002 so special was the return of Shawn Michaels. Returning after a four-year absence, Michaels was a different but better wrestler than he was even in 1997. Ironically, his back injury helped him become better.
He was always a fantastic bumper - but he became the best seller in wrestling on the strength of his return match with Triple H alone. His back looked to have been in such bother that it had the distinct air of a one-off, not the start of an eight year run which would give everyone from the Undertaker to Shelton Benjamin their best ever match.
The Paul Heyman-booked SmackDown was an incredible TV show, the smash success of which wasn't simply as a result of the SmackDown Six - Kurt Angle, Edge, Chris Benoit, Eddie and Chavo Guerrero and a debuting Rey Mysterio. Though their matches against and with one another were as exciting as they were nuanced, they didn't carry the brand alone.
Paul Heyman, as he so often did, accentuated headliner Big Show's positives and concealed his negatives by adjusting his look (and thereby removing his stigma) and shortening his matches.
A giant, realistically, should be able to defeat anybody in under five minutes - even a beast.