10 Big Changes WWE Could Make To WrestleMania 32

9. Brie Bella Vs. Charlotte

Daniel Bryan's retirement speech on Raw this week transformed the image of Brie Bella. It was bad for Bryan, but it was the best thing that could have happened to his wife's career right now. She's suddenly this sympathetic figure, with fans able to see the real Brie and make an emotional connection with her. We shared her tears for Bryan. A week before that, she had been just another diva. She was positioned against Charlotte for the Divas Title at Fastlane, and nobody cared. But now she's being viewed as Mrs. Bryan, which is a character that can actually get over. WWE elevated her by reminding fans that she's Bryan's wife, and it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to put Bryan in her corner for Fastlane. If Brie and WWE can capitalise on the emotion from Raw, it could take her feud with Charlotte all the way to WrestleMania. Brie would fight for the title again on April 3, before retiring to start her family with Bryan. As much as the IWC may loath that idea, WWE do love The Bella Twins, and as stars of E! they do have more of a mainstream following than Sasha Banks. Stemming from the Bryan retirement, Brie Bella absolutely has a chance of getting the Divas Title 'Mania spot.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.