10 Big Concerns Over Daniel Bryan's WWE Return

10. Will He Be Able To Adapt His Style?

The big concern in WWE is the question over Daniel Bryan's style. He got over as a hard hitting technician and flyer, constantly putting his body on the line in big dives and thunderous bumps. That's now out of the question. He will not be allowed, now should he want to, wrestle like he used to do. He even admitted himself in media interviews that his furious style had been responsible for wearing his body down. It wasn't as if his neck was damaged in a specific incident, it was years and years of diving headbutts and other dangerous spots. The thing is, after over a decade of working in one style, can Bryan now adapt his work to be a less dimensional safer style? Furthermore, will the fans accept a Daniel Bryan who wrestles a much slower pace than previously? Hopefully he can mirror the success of Stone Cold Steve Austin, who successfully readapted his style after a long layoff in 2000.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.