10 Big Problems Triple H Faces As WWE Owner

1. Convincing The Wider World He Is Credible

The biggest problem Triple H is going to face is convincing the wider world he is credible. Wrestling fans will accept him, but Wall Street is going to be very sceptical. The WWE stock price is sure to take a whack and his first year in charge is going to be focused on stabilising the company. Transitioning from Vince McMahon to a complete unknown in the business world is a challenge, and he's going have to work extra hard to convince the corporate world that he's to be taken seriously. He's a risky appointment for WWE, and anyone who thinks a wrestler is bound to be great for the wrestling business is naive to what Vince McMahon and WWE are actually all about. You only have to look through the history of other promotions that put wrestlers in the office to see how terribly these things can go.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.