10 Big Questions From WWE SmackDown (July 23)

6. Have WWE Dropped The Ball With Owens?

Cesaro Seth Rollins

Heel vs heel matches are a curious beast. The odd thing about this match with Rusev was that if the crowd were going to cheer either man it was going to be Kevin Owens - yet it was KO who, yet again, decided the fight was too much for him and headed to the back.

WWE's recent booking of Owens is strange, and a cause for concern. Just as it made no sense for KO to tap at Battleground after kicking out of everything Cena threw at him, it makes no sense for him to run away from guys who, on the evidence from his matches with Cena, he should be beating with little fuss.

It has nothing to do with him being a heel, and more to do with WWE not having the balls to pull the trigger at Battleground and being left without a clue of where to take Owens next.


As a long-time WWE fan, I have always enjoyed watching men pretend to beat each other up while wearing spandex. Extra points for facepaint, none for tassels. I love all things sci-fi. If there's a 'Star' somewhere in the title, I'll probably dig it. I'm a huge football fan too. For my sins, I support Manchester United.