10 Big WWE Pushes That Were Stopped Dead (And Why)

2. Snitsky

Dominik WWE

Snitsky well be most remembered for punting a baby doll in to the crowd during an edition of The Highlight Reel, his role in the awful Kane-Lita saga or as that weird guy who had a foot fetish for a few months.

Few recall his hairless, yellow toothed tare through RAW in 2007 or his brief program with John Cena that culminated in a RAW main event. After a brief run on the ECW brand, the repackaged, deranged Snitsky was drafted to RAW and was booked to be an unstoppable monster. Snitsky devoured the undercard but was soon backed in to a corner in very much the same way that Umaga had been before and Ryback would be a few years down the line.

Snitsky's push revolved around being undefeated. As soon as Cena beat him on RAW, even though it was by disqualification, something was lost. That's not to say Snitsky was embraced by fans before that. The tired trope of booking a monster to ultimately be fed to John Cena had worn out its welcome and fans never truly believed Snitsky was going to buck the trend.

The whole transformation had an ill-fitting '80s feel to it and no matter how hard Snitsky tried, his previous antics were still too fresh in the memory.

After an injury and more losses to the likes of Jeff Hardy, Snitsky was no longer a monster and he quietly asked for his release in late 2008.

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I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!