10 Big WWE Returns That Could Happen In 2015

9. The Undertaker

Speaking of the Undertaker, many thought they had seen the end of his legendary career when Brock Lesnar ended his Wrestlemania streak at Wrestlemania XXX. Reportedly, Vince McMahon made the decision to end Taker's streak when he saw the physical condition of the Undertaker, concerned that he would not be able to return for the 31st edition of the event. Even with the streak ending, there still rumors flying around that the Undertaker is not finished competing at Wrestlemania. In fact, the rumor mill states that he will be matched up against Bray Wyatt come Wrestlemania XXXI, not Sting as everyone originally thought. The Undertaker is certainly winding his career down as Taker's physical condition was obviously to anyone who watched his match with Brock. However, would he be willing to lose again at Wrestlemania to put over Bray Wyatt as the next phenom of World Wrestling Entertainment? Only time will tell.
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Bully Ray
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Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.