10 Big WWE Salaries That Necessitate A Constant Push

9. Mark Henry - $877,000

Mark Henry has always been signed to a solid WWE contract, having first put pen to paper in 1996 on an unprecedented ten year deal. But it is only in recent years that he's been able to demand the really big money, meaning a downside guarantee of $877,000, as first reported in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and featured here. That's why he's constantly there or there abouts when it comes to upper mid-card and main event matches, although injuries and age have restricted him in the last year or so. Still, WWE are getting the value out of him by making him a go-to guy for things like media events and company appearances. He's now easing into a role as WWE ambassador. In terms of wrestling, there were numerous title shots between 2011 and 2013, and even as recently as 2014 he was still being pushed as a big name on Team Authority in the Survivor Series main event team. The close to one million dollar guarantee means he's had to be pushed whenever possible, but in 2015 his limited action has meant WWE must have lost money on him.
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WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.