10 Biggest Babyface Wins At WrestleMania
2. Hulk Hogan Vs. Andre The Giant (WrestleMania III)
How could any list looking at the biggest babyface wins in WrestleMania history be complete without the main event of 'Mania III? His name may have been sullied to some, but in 1987 Hulk Hogan was the hottest thing going in professional wrestling. The WWF were still amidst a golden age, and Hulk was the glue holding the whole situation together.
As good as he was in the holier-than-thou role, Hogan needed someone like Andre The Giant to draw people to the building. There was a feral atmosphere to proceedings by the time both men stared at one another mid-ring, people were bursting with anticipation. When Hogan then hit a slam on his monstrous opponent, things were at a fever pitch and history was being made live and in living colour.
Hyperbole be damned, this almost invented the need for those goosebump-causing WrestleMania video packages to come.
The match has definitely aged, that can't be denied, but it will not be forgotten. There's something magical about seeing Hogan vs. Andre, it feels special. Whilst the action may not be as crisp to look back on now, the sheer atmosphere never lessens in impact. That pop when Hulk dropped a leg on his foe and pinned him is insane.