10 Biggest Celebrity Wrestling Fans

8. Jim Carrey

It's unknown whether or not Jim Carrey was a grappling enthusiast before he worked alongside Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross on 'Man On The Moon', a film dedicated to the life and career of entertainer Andy Kaufman. Carrey played the leading role in the movie, portraying Kaufman to critical acclaim. Kaufman himself was a massive lover of wrestling, and infamously had a long-running feud with Jerry Lawler, one which brought The King some mainstream media attention in the early-80's, including a lot of coverage after an on-screen fight during a 1982 episode of Late Night With David Letterman. Fascinated by the industry, Kaufman would incorporate a lot of wrestling nuances into his various acts, and it's likely he and Carrey would have hit it off, making Jim the perfect casting choice to play the man in a film about his life. WWE Hall Of Fame announcer Jim Ross has since stated that Jim Carrey became somewhat of a fan following his work on the movie, turning up at several WWE events.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.