10 Biggest Celebrity Wrestling Fans

5. Freddie Prinze Jr.

A one-time teenage heart throb, Freddie Prinze Jr is the last person many would have expected to end up an actual WWE employee. In 2008, Prinze was hired by the company as a creative consultant for Smackdown and Pay-Per-View shows, which is fascinating - turning down the chance to be an on-screen character, it's likely the guy could have made the role of backstage interviewer or announcer his own, but was instead drawn in by the creative aspect of wrestling. The actor didn't last long in the job, leaving in early-2009 and going back to his bread and butter of appearing in front of the camera. Incredibly, Prinze Jr would once again bag himself a behind the scenes role at WWE, signing on to become a producer and director in 2010, before once again departing in 2012. Also making an appearance as a guest host of Monday Night Raw in August, 2009, Freddie Prinze Jr is clearly infatuated with the wrestling industry, and it wouldn't be a big surprise to see him back in the WWE fold at some point in the future.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.