10 Biggest Ever Vince McMahon Over-Reactions

3. Triple H's Punishments Post MSG

The Curtain Call incident. You all know how that one went down. With Scott Hall and Kevin Nash off to WCW, and Shawn Michaels the company's top dog, Triple H paid for all four men's sins. They broke Kayfabe in front of an audience on a mainstream scale for the first time. They broke tradition and slapped each and every wrestler who paved the way for them in the face. Although saying that, even in the early 90s fans were smart to the business and knew it was a work. This didn't stop McMahon punishing his young upstart Superstar. Hunter Hearst Helmsley had the 1996 King of the Ring, a tournament he was scheduled to win, taken away from him, while he was shoved to the bottom of the card and forced to battle his way back to the top. Michaels got away scat free. You could say this worked out for the best because without the incident, Stone Cold Steve Austin wouldn't have been born, and nor would DX. Vince owes Hunter a great deal of gratitude. Even though he couldn't have predicted Austin's success, he certainly over-reacted here. Would a fine for the pair not have done nicely?
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.