10 Biggest Flops In WWE History

3. Tom Magee

Mordecai WWE

Six foot four and almost 300 lbs of chiseled muscle, 'Mega Man' Tom Magee was a sight to behold. Runner up in the 1982 World's Strongest Man, a Black Belt in Karate and a former bodybuilder, the Canadian superman had potential written all over him.

Disconcertingly, even Stu Hart's training and extended time in both Stampede and All Japan couldn't help the young prodigy develop his skills. As such, Magee was still very green by the time he made it to the WWF. Nevertheless, Vince gave him a shot and 'Mega Man' was paired with Bret Hart in his WWF debut in 1986.

'The Hitman' made Magee look like a million bucks and McMahon immediately had him pegged as the second coming of Hulk Hogan - only younger, stronger and a better athlete. Unfortunately for Vince, it soon became apparent that his debut performance was more down to Bret's ability to carry than the newcomer's innate talent.

Against the likes of Terry Gibbs, Barry O, and Tiger Chung Lee, Magee was exposed. Despite his strength and agility, his weak strikes and delicate ring style made him seem soft and unconvincing in the ring. 'Mega Man' quickly turned out to be a mega disappointment and was out of the business entirely by mid-1990.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!