10 Biggest Tag-Teams That Never Wrestled For WWE

1. The Midnight Express

The Miracle Violence Connection

One of the greatest managers in pro wrestling history, Jim Cornette legitimately helped sell out building after building for the NWA in the 1980's. He did so by being associated with The Midnight Express, most famously involving Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane. Previously, Dennis Condrey had been in the team instead of Lane.

Audiences loved to see the Midnights get their comeuppance, specifically revelling in Cornette's eventual misfortune whenever a babyface team could get their hands on him. It was wonderful stuff, the kind of throwback to a more innocent age for wrestling when many felt what they were seeing was very much real.

Unfortunately, Cornette did front up the 'New' Midnight Express in 1998 for the purposes of a WWF run, teaming Bart Gunn and Bob Holly together. It was a miserable failure, and doesn't count because the original (and infinitely superior) team of Lane and Eaton never wrestled together for the McMahon family.

Who can say for sure what level of success they would have had in the WWF, but they were a world class act.

What other notable tag-teams can you think of that didn't wrestle in the WWF/WWE? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.