10 Biggest Winners From CM Punk Leaving WWE

7. The Bella Twins

Following 2012 storylines with Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, John Cena, and Dolph Ziggler, AJ Lee became the most popular Diva in all of WWE. In June of 2013, she won the Divas' Championship and immediately became the centerpiece of the entire division. Meanwhile, in real life, Lee became romantically linked to CM Punk, and her on-screen persona began to take on elements of his, most notably in the form of shoot-style promos designed to elicit a shocked reaction from fans. Even after Punk left WWE, the company remained committed to AJ's push. Her Divas' Title reign reached a record 295 days, and even after she lost the belt, she remained a focal point of the division, feuding with new champion Paige and winning the championship twice more. Still, by that time, she was married to Punk, and after his damning interview on The Art of Wrestling, many presumed that it was only a matter of time before she left WWE as well. In November, Nikki Bella won the Divas' Championship from Lee, and the former champ's appearances became more and more sporadic. She and Paige picked up a win over the Bellas at WrestleMania, but it was clear that the torch had been passed and that the Total Divas stars were now the top women in the company. Lee left WWE shortly after WrestleMania and in September of 2015, Nikki would break her record for longest Divas' Title reign ever.

Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013