10 Biggest Winners From Ultima Lucha
8. Cage
The biggest winner from the first night of Lucha Underground was The Machine himself, Brian Cage. After several weeks of build in a highly aggressive rivalry with The Mack, these two battled it out in a Falls Count Anywhere match.
This bout was one of the finer examples of how to utilize this stipulation. Apart from a Powerbomb off of the the apron, these guys pretty much ignored the ring. The fans in attendance remained inches away from the action as Cage and The Mack gave them a war.
Added to the enjoyment was the fact that the spots were completely nuts. The Mack hit an Eploder suplex on Cage in the midst of the wooden seating area. The previously mentioned Powerbomb off of the apron was a sitdown variation of the move through a table. Fire Extinguishers, 2x4's, and a host of other weapons were used.
Steve Austin must've caught last week's episode because he tweeted this in regards to The Mack's Stunner: "NO ONE EVER KICKS OUT OF THE STUNNER, D*****!!! #ultimalucha @LuchaElRey @Elreynetwork"
The finish came about in one of the most brutal ways possible. Cage curb stomped the life out of The Mack's face through a cinder block. This was the best match of night one and set the tone for the entire Ultima Lucha event.