10 Biggest Winners From WWE Hell In A Cell 2015

5. Charlotte

Nikki Bella might need commended for her performance in this Divas Championship match, but Charlotte needs to be congratulated for her victory at Hell In A Cell even more. Charlotte took a beating from the longest reigning Divas Champion and even landed on her feet successfully after a very dangerous looking top rope suplex that she reversed. She showed fire on multiple occasions and eventually retained her title with her Figure 8 submission maneuver. After the match, her PCB buddies Becky Lynch and Paige came out to celebrate with her. No attacks or anything on this night from Paige, so maybe Charlotte's next opponent will be Sasha banks. We can hope, at least.

I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.