10 Biggest Wrestling Crimes WWE Committed In 2016

9. Refusing To Abandon The Stardust Character

Bayley Tyler Breeze

Since departing the relative comfort afforded by the WWE system, Cody Rhodes has been on a mission to prove his love for the art of professional wrestling. Working independently across North America, Rhodes has also made his way companies like WhatCulture Pro Wrestling. There, Cody is WCPW Internet Champion.

It's obvious just by following the man's activity on social media that Rhodes is enjoying himself. That wasn't the case during the early months of 2016, Cody was saddled with a Stardust gimmick that had long-since grown old to the watching audience. It seems that everyone else could see what WWE management couldn't, the phoney Goldust rip off had to go.

Just think of how great a motivated Cody Rhodes has been away from WWE since May, then realise what he could be doing on Raw or SmackDown today. Instead, the company agreed to release Cody, only to fill the spot vacated with lifeless decisions like hiring back Jinder Mahal.

No offence intended to Mahal, he's just doing next to nothing on the roster. Meanwhile, Rhodes could be sparkling like he is elsewhere.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.