10 Biggest Wrestling Visionaries

1. Vince McMahon

Could anyone else top this list? You would need to have your head examined if you didn€™t think Vince McMahon was the biggest visionary in wrestling history. After taking the reins of the World Wrestling Federation from his father in 1982, Vince brought his ambitious goals to life. Vince didn€™t feel the archaic regional territory structure of the wrestling business could be sustainable in the future with the rise of cable television. He wanted to run the first full-blown national wrestling promotion. Through partnering with the right people, Vince bucked the tradition of the NWA, signing the best talents away from his competitors. Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, and Roddy Piper were key acquisitions. Vince had the foresight to make Hogan his top guy, create a super-card called WrestleMania, and partner with NBC and MTV to push his product up the ladder of pop culture. The first three WrestleMania€™s were financial gambles that paid off. Hulk Hogan became a megastar. And Vince McMahon made more money in the business than anyone before him or since. Throughout the years, Vince has taken multiple risks, some of which have paid off and others that fell flat, but no one has been more successful and innovative over a longer period of time than Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.