10 Biggest WWE Maniacs Of All Time

3. Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Before Jake "The Snake" Roberts became one of the sport's success stories with the help of Dallas Page and DDP Yoga, he was one of the most devious competitors to lace up a pair of boots. In many respects, Roberts is the godfather of ring psychology because he knew exactly how to get maximum value from everything he did in the squared circle. Roberts never had the build of a monster, but his cold eyes made him seem like one. His deliberate interview style presented the agenda of a calculating mad man and he created a presence of danger anytime he appeared on screen. The years he spent polishing his skills in various territories paid off when Roberts debuted for the WWE in 1986 and quickly became one of the company's top stars. Despite the late 80s being such a peak for the wrestling industry as a whole, Roberts' best run of his career was actually a few years after the boom in popularity. His legacy was cemented when he turned heel in 1991 and specifically, the feud with Randy Savage must be considered one of the highlights of Roberts' career. Roberts was involved in the infamous "snake bite" angle when a cobra bite the arm of Savage as he was trapped in the ropes. In the sometimes cartoonish era of the early 90s, Roberts portrayed the angle as legitimately dangerous and it's a storyline that is still remembered today.
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Jim Lamotta hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.