10 Biggest WWE Summerslam Controversies

7. Al Snow SummerSlam Doll Sparks Outrage


The SummerSlam '99 doll released by Jakks-Pacific featured Al Snow with his perennial companion, Head. For those who don't know, Head was the head of a female mannequin that Al Snow believed was talking to him. He would carry the head around and hit people with it. It was all pretty weird, but harmless fun, right?

Wrong. The doll, released in conjunction with the summer spectacular, was met with outrage when 2 mothers from Georgia mistook the mannequin head for an actual decapitated human head. It was even claimed in an academic article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution in October '99 that the doll trivialised violence towards women. During the media firestorm, Wal-Mart actually pulled the doll from their shelves.

Apparently children take their lessons about decapitating women from their dolls rather than, say, their parents, or the law, or the common sense thatyou shouldn't murder people.The evil doll was removed from the shelves and all future Al Snow dolls came with a plain white styrofoam version of Head, just to avoid future controversy.

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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.