10 Biggest WWE WrestleMania 34 Missed Opportunities
Hype is for suckers.

As inconsistent as it was, WrestleMania 34 wasn't without its triumphs.
Wrestling fans were united by their love of the red-hot Intercontinental Title opener, Charlotte's awesome scrap with Asuka (streak-related concerns aside), Ronda Rousey's electric in-ring debut, and Daniel Bryan's emotional return. Less unifying were the two World Title matches and The Undertaker's squash of John Cena, but it'd be a stretch to call either objectively bad.
Heading into the event, this year's Show Of Shows came with genuine "Greatest Of All Time" potential. The card was fantastic, and the build exciting, but 'Mania 34 couldn't meet its astronomical expectations. It went off a cliff several times after the Rousey match. At best, it was a good show that should've been incredible, and it'll go down as a disappointment, regardless of whether or not this is justified.
It's impossible to ignore the numerous ways in which WWE (and in some cases, the performers themselves) dropped the ball on Sunday night. They had a potentially legendary show on their hands, but delivered an inconsistent one, and the crowd weren't shy of voicing their disapproval when things fell short of expectations...
10. Boring, Boring Bray

In submerging their most broken, bewildering, and downright boring character in Matt Hardy's Lake of Reincarnation, WWE had the chance to finally do something interesting with him again. Bray Wyatt has been a dead performer for years. He's a wreck, and someone who's been in need for a rebirth for a long time, but instead of delivering on this, WWE resurrected him as his plain old self at WrestleMania 34.
Bray appeared towards the end of the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, with his interference playing a direct role in Hardy's victory. They embraced afterwards, and it looks like they'll be united going forward, which is an interesting premise, but doesn't void the concerns.
'The Eater Of Worlds' looked just like he did before his trip to the lake, and if the Raw after 'Mania is anything to go by, nothing has changed aside from Bray adopting some of Matt's Woken lingo. That's just lazy. A fresh, revitalised Wyatt would've made for a fun WrestleMania moment, and history suggests that anyone hoping this will result in an upturn for Bray is being fanciful.