10 Bold Predictions For WWE Draft

5. Death Of The Wildcard

Kofi Big E Smackdown Raw

Finally, we can take this awful decision behind the barn and then bury it in the backyard.

There is no way you can sell to Fox and USA having the brand split not matter after this experiment failed so miserably. In fact, this may end up making for the strictest "borders" between brands that we have ever seen.

This will have some interesting implications later down the line with pay per view events and such, but for now the vision should be on establishing the two brands' identities.

Perhaps with the advantage of the three hour run time (and the aforementioned likelihood of strengthening SmackDown) we could see Raw become a land of opportunity for those in need of a push.

As mentioned before, Aleister Black could be a dominant force if his push is given room to breathe on a new brand. The same could be said for Drew McIntyre staying put. He has always seemed like somebody who could one day main event but just needs a solid run. Apollo Crews and Ricochet both had a well deserved "showcase match" and could use a similar environment.

If this is the case, we may see a decided switch to Raw becoming the "land of opportunity" as SmackDown was once known to be. And Paul Heyman may be the perfect person to help make that successfully come to fruition.


Future 24/7 Champion. Self crowned king of sarcasm. Defeated WWE's plane in Saudi Arabia by TKO. Lister of nonsense achievements. Mostly just an aspiring writer and podcaster looking to mark out over wrestling.