10 Booking Steps For John Cena Vs The Undertaker At WrestleMania 32

8. The Next Night On Raw

The next night on Raw, in the closing segment, Cena would ask The Undertaker to come out. The intention would be to apologise to the veteran and explain that the chair clash was an accident. Undertaker will stand and listen to Cena's explanation, but he'll keep a stony face the whole time. When the franchise star then offers his hand, Taker would do a slow head shake causing Cena's face to contort in puzzlement. Then it happens - Undertaker throws a hand around Cena's throat, hoisting him up and throwing him to the mat with a furious chokeslam. He'll then take the centre of the ring and do the cut-throat expression as his eyes roll back, signalling a tombstone piledriver is next. However, Cena will escape from the ring, closing Raw with an angry stare back from the ramp. Undertaker would stand stoically in the ring, his point made and his intentions clear.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.