10 Booking Steps For WWE Monday Night Raw

2. The Big Show Knocks Out Paul Heyman

WWE's booking of The Big Show over the years has been topsy turvy, to say the least. It seems like the creative team have no qualms over suddenly booking the big man to be an unstoppable giant, regardless of what he'd been doing beforehand. That trend has started once more, because the promotion booked Show to face Brock Lesnar at 'Live From Madison Square Garden'. Needless to say, the match is going to need more build before it becomes unmissable. Being brutally honest, there's no way Big Show will emerge victorious from the bout, but it's WWE's job to convince people that he could. One way to do this would be to have him send a shocking message to Lesnar, and re-establish himself as a giant who feels he can push his weight around. Paul Heyman is the ideal catalyst for this. On Raw, Heyman could attempt to sweet talk Show. Obviously, this wouldn't work, and The Big Show could end up knocking out Brock's 'advocate' with his patented punch. Grabbing the microphone afterwards, Show could then say he's tired of playing games, and challenge Lesnar to actually turn up and face him. Simple, but effective.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.