10 Booking Steps For WWE Monday Night Raw (Oct 5)

2. The Authority Tell Seth Rollins He Has To Vanquish 'Demon' Kane

Credit where credit is due, Glenn Jacobs has been wonderful in the dual role of 'Corporate' and 'Demon' Kane recently. At Hell In A Cell, it looks like he's going to be the one to challenge Seth Rollins for the WWE World Heavyweight Title. It's unlikely the feud will ease WWE's ratings woes anytime soon, but Jacobs has been entertaining with the storyline thus far. At the tail end of Raw, he chased off Rollins after transforming from 'Corporate' to 'Demon' inside the back of an ambulance. Crucially, Seth was too scared to notice he'd left his WWE Title in the middle of the ring. Kane didn't miss it, and hoisted it aloft as he stared at the belt. This coming week, Triple H and Stephanie could tell Rollins that he has to put an end to this saga. In the minds of The Authority, they've done everything they can do to try and help. Calling in Ashley from 'WWE's HR department', Triple H and Stephanie were trying to sidestep the violence. That obviously won't be the case as things progress towards the Pay-Per-View. Triple H may even cut an impassioned promo to Rollins, firing him up for the task of cutting down the demon.
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WWE Raw Kane
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