10 Booking Steps For WWE Monday Night Raw (Oct 5)

4. Natalya Challenges Paige To Beat Respect Into Her

It seems relatively clear that WWE are building towards a match between Natalya and the loudmouth Paige. The former has been disrespected by the latter's comments about her random disappearance from television. In one short promo, Paige managed to make Natalya more relevant than the creative team have managed for years. That's something to be pounced upon and worked with. On Smackdown, Natalya warned Paige that she wouldn't put up with much more of her nonsense. Going further on Raw, Paige could refuse to heed the warning and insult the Canadian once again. From there, Natalya could emerge looking furious and challenge Paige to a match right there and then. Of course, it wouldn't end up happening, because Paige could claim she's not interested in wasting her time. This is something WWE should definitely hold off on, because any actual stories in the Divas division should be built upon. As the weeks progress, Natalya could show a fiery side, angry at how she has been disrespected by someone she had a hand in helping. That should start on Raw, there's no reason why Natalya couldn't fill the position of veteran in the Diva ranks.
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WWE Raw Kane
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