10 Booking Steps For WWE NXT (25 Sept)

6. Pull The Trigger On Dunne

Pete Dunne Angel Garza

It's time.

Even before we made the leap onto USA, Pete Dunne was developing a reputation as a very, very, very steady hand on NXT. A string of context-less matches against aspiring opponents, all allegedly well beneath his level, have made for some great watching - and best of all Dunne's been getting them over in the process.

But interest in this will only last for so long, and without a presented personality and a storyline to showcase it in, it'll become hard to get people to really care about him. Dunne's a terrific wrestler, a brutal and hard-hitting worker who is able to convey an overwhelming sense of physical danger without really needing to utilize a dangerous style. Have a finger snap submission finisher will, if nothing else, grab people's attention.

Regardless of where NXT sees him in the card, the time is right to lock that in. He needs an opponent whose own personality highlight's Dunne, and who can go at the sort of level that might see them steal the show come War Games. My personal pick would be Velveteen Dream, but renewing hostilities with Roderick Strong or starting something new with Tyler Breeze would be equally as entertaining.

In this post: 
Adam Cole
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