10 Booking Steps For WWE Raw (Feb 22)

3. Braun Strowman And Wyatts Outnumber Kane

Following his confrontation with Paul Heyman, Bray Wyatt could bring his clan back out to call out 'The Beast'. Laughing at his lack of presence on Monday Night Raw, Wyatt would then be stunned to see Kane emerge and hit the ring. Logically, he would get a few good shots in before he was outnumbered by The Wyatt Family. Ryback and The Big Show would also become involved in the battle, trying to help Kane - their partner at Fastlane - overcome the nefarious heels. It would all break down to Braun Strowman dominating Big Show. This allows WWE to book another match between the pair at some point if they so wish. Similarly, Harper and Ryback could pair off briefly, because they'd probably work well together. Fans would be expecting the show to simply end with another Wyatt pose, because that has happened in the past. Nobody would really be expecting what comes next, but it really must happen in order to set the table for WrestleMania's epic feel. When all was lost for Kane, he'd receive some help out of the blue.
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WWE Raw Sting
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