10 Booking Steps For WWE Raw (Feb 27)

1. Samoa Joe Destroys Mick Foley

Seth Rollins

Mick Foley has been Sami Zayn's biggest supporter since the wrestler was drafted to Monday Night Raw. Even in the face of Stephanie McMahon's doubts, the Raw GM has repeatedly went to bat for Sami and even (eventually) agreed to let him face Braun Strowman several months ago.

That all sets the scene for Samoa Joe's brutal attack, an ambush which follows on from Stephanie's foreboding warning that Mick should be careful on last week's show. Complete with an icy glare from the Commissioner, McMahon effectively warned Mick that he had a beating coming if he continued to defy her orders.

Joe hammering Foley, as Sami helplessly looks on from the ring (perhaps with tears filling his eyes as Mick tells him the entire thing is a trap) would be a powerful way to end Raw.

Better yet, the whole beating parlays into Samoa Joe's match with Zayn at Fastlane. Clear motivation to gain revenge on Joe for decimating his mentor, this adds even more meaning to the underdog Sami's match with Joe on pay-per-view.

What else do you think WWE could have in store for Raw? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.