10 Booking Steps For WWE Raw (June 27)

9. The Wyatt Family Watch The New Day Beat The Dudley Boyz

john cena

There hasn't been a physical attack from either side as of yet, but The Wyatt Family and The New Day are clearly heading for a match at some point. The Wyatts represent a great threat to the WWE Tag-Team Titles, something that's coming just at the right time. New Day are closing in on a year with the gold, so some excitement was a must.

It's unclear whether or not The Wyatts are remaining heel or becoming babyfaces, but that's something WWE can play around with over the next few weeks. There doesn't necessarily need to be a definitive 'good vs. bad' vibe to the feud, Bray simply wants the WWE Tag-Team Titles.

Sitting on his trademark rocking chair, he, Erick Rowan and Braun Strowman could watch The New Day beat The Dudley Boyz. Then, after the match had finished, Bray applauds the champions on another victory, before reminding them that his men will be their biggest challenge yet.

This would be simple, yet effective, furthering the confusion of New Day over The Wyatt Family and their presence.

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