10 Booking Steps For WWE Raw (Nov 16)

3. Give Kevin Owens More Promo Time

It's remarkable that Kevin Owens cut such a well-received promo last week on Raw. There's a reason it went over so well. Firstly, fan are really digging what Owens is giving them on a regular basis. Not only is he a superb in-ring performer, but his cocky heel persona is entirely believable. Contrast that with the awkward babyface traits of Roman Reigns, and KO's popularity becomes more clear. Owens has instant credibility, because he doesn't pander to fans or try anything that isn't plausible. He also kept things somewhat brief during his verbal attack on the English audience, which helped his cause. The likes of Reigns and Seth Rollins has often been booked to cut meandering promos over the past few months, and they have played before loud 'boring' chants. Owens is on fire right now, and he will face Neville in the Quarter Final round of the WWE Title tournament. That bout should take place on Raw, and the Intercontinental Champion should win it. Beforehand, he should cut another promo on his way to the ring, because it's a unique characteristic that would help him stand out. It doesn't hurt that he's one hell of a talker.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.