10 Booking Steps For The Undertaker Vs Bray Wyatt At WrestleMania 31

6. Kane Tells The Undertaker To Not Fight Bray Wyatt

The promo between Kane and The Undertaker where Kane tells his brother that it's a fight he can't win is important. In order for this feud to work, The Undertaker needs to be cast like Rocky Balboa in Rocky IV, in that moment when Adrian tells Rocky that " can't win." Kane pleading with his brother to not take the fight would be cool as hell because it's one of those things that would only make sense with WWE's logic. Of course, that segment ending with The Undertaker tombstoning his brother would be epic. Undertaker walking away with a shaken look on his face would be cool, too. One of the major keys to this feud is that The Undertaker has to be amazed by everything that's happening to him in taking on this match, and by what he understands it'll take for him to win, too.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.