10 Breakout Wrestling Performances That Went Nowhere

9. Kevin Owens (Elimination Chamber, 2015)

Keith Lee Roman Reigns Thumb

It finally feels as though WWE are now following through on the violent Prizefighter that first burst onto the scene back in 2015 and made a jaw-dropping example of none other than John bloody Cena.

In a rare case of Triple H and his father-in-law somehow singing from the same hymn sheet long enough to make an incoming NXT sensation feel like a star actually capable of holding their own with the main roster's finest, Kevin Owens bullied The Face that Runs the Place on night one.

This dominant attack on the then-United States Champion on a May edition of Raw wasn't merely a one and done, though, with KO doing precisely that at Elimination Chamber a few weeks later, conquering the top guy in the company clean in a refreshingly bold bout of booking.

But then, trite business as usual resumed.

Cena won the overall feud with the supremely gifted newcomer. Owens was shuffled down the card. And then somehow became even more of an afterthought upon finally winning the Universal Championship a year later.

KO finally looks set for the treatment a character this compelling and distinct has always deserved, and hopefully a much more gripping run with the top strap in the not too distant future, too...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...