10 Commandments For The Future Of WWE

8. Thou Shalt Accept The Significant Presence Of Foreign Wrestlers On The WWE Roster

Given how many WWE superstars have borrowed or outright stolen the moves, swagger and intensity of Hideo Itami, the idea that he's presently in WWE is a case of WWE finally hiring the original artist instead of settling for cheap imitations. Insofar as whether or not Itami will ever make a dent on thr main roster has yet to be seen, but it's a step in what could be a bigger direction. On some level these days, WWE is working with New Japan Pro Wrestling, a promotion widely regarded by many wrestling fans as the best in the world. Thus, is it crazy to presume that New Japan's Shinsuke Nakamura (regarded as the best overall wrestler in the world) could be signed by WWE? Sure. But, the smarter money is on Kota Ibushi, the young junior-to-heavyweight performer who's under the age of 30, hyper-athletic, and in the right situation could easily be a main event player.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.