10 Commandments For The Future Of WWE

6. Thou Must Realize That Ring of Honor Is To WWE As ECW Was To WWF

This is unequivocally true, and if somebody in WWE isn't sliding a secret envelope to Ring of Honor once a month, they should be. The ECW/WWF relationship was terrible because it was all one-sided. WWF got their entire Attitude Era swagger (and many top performers) from ECW while ECW got a lot of money, but past say, 1997 not so much in moldable talent or top-roster stars who could benefit from the time in the promotion. I'd give my right arm to see Wade Barrett appear at a Ring of Honor taping and hit Jay Lethal with a Bull Hammer elbow. Los Matadores without the masks as The Colons working Red Dragon, The Kingdom or The Young Bucks for a spell could offer them the ability to get that certain something that could push them over the top, too. WWE could have a great AA team to pair with the AAA team in their farm system in pursuing a deeper relationship with ROH.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.