10 Coolest Moments From WWE Raw 25

Austin vs. McMahon has still got some juice all these years on...

Vince Shane McMahon

Oh, Vinnie Mac. The internet really isn't too happy with you following Raw's 25th Anniversary celebrations. Matches like Titus Worldwide vs. Heath Slater and Rhyno, a two-minute squash of The Revival at the hands of The Good Brothers, and a subpar showing between Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt must be why.

Either that or fans on Twitter were expecting CM Punk or Hulk Hogan to show up, not Brother Love, The Godfather, and The Dudley Boyz.

Raw 25 didn't feel quite as grand as WWE surely hoped. The matches were lacklustre, some cameos predictable, and those poor folks at the Manhattan Center felt short-changed by what they saw. And yet, through it all the show still managed to feature some cool moments that made lifelong fans smile.

This is a celebration of the good from Raw 25. Sure, you have to wade through some crap to get there, but WWE's big night wasn't a total disaster...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.