10 Costly Mistakes That DOOMED Great Wrestling Feuds

7. CM Punk Vs. WWE - Adding Kevin Nash

John Cena The Rock

WWE hadn't felt as hot as it did in 2011 for a decade, and that was all thanks to a little rebellious Punker getting everyone's attention with one particularly mesmerising pipe bomb.

Determined to inspire change within a company that had refused to get behind guys like him for way too long, the early days of CM Punk's fight against not just 'The Face that Runs the Place' John Cena, but WWE management was utterly gripping to behold.

And then things all got a little muddled in the wake of the then-WWE Champion's return to sports entertainment not long after blowing a kiss to Vince McMahon in Chicago.

After just about managing to keep hold of his belt at SummerSlam, the bizarre arrival of Kevin Nash ultimately resulted in 'The Best in the World' dropping the strap to Mr. Money in the Bank, Alberto Del Rio.

From there, things only got more confusing by the week as Punk's once-exciting war against the establishment ended up getting bogged down by peculiar text message twists, Nash not being cleared to compete, and Triple H's desire to "beat this f***er", according to big Kev himself.

Put simply, this program started to become infinitely less cool after this 'Big Daddy' arrived on the scene.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...