10 Costly Mistakes That DOOMED Great Wrestling Feuds

4. Chris Jericho Vs. Kevin Owens - Taking Away The Universal Championship

John Cena The Rock

In Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho's friends-turned-bitter-enemies saga, WWE had unquestionably one of the most engrossing programs in all of wrestling across 2016/17.

In the wake of KO lifting the Universal Championship for the first time in August, the pair of wisecracking heels became Raw's MVPs, doing all they could to keep the horrendous strap on Owens' shoulder in his various battles against Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.

And after a few teases of an inevitable implosion, things finally broke down after Jericho chucked his pal into a title match with Goldberg at Fastlane, with that decision directly leading to an iconic Festival of Friendship break-up.

Had WWE continued pushing the feud as the most important rivalry in the company, there's a solid chance KO and Jericho would have ended up main eventing WrestleMania - or at the very least throwing down in one of the marquee title fights.

Instead, though, Vince felt his incoming Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar 'Mania rematch needed the strap more - which it didn't. And so, KO was conquered, and this once super hot, potential 'Show of Shows' world title battle was ultimately downgraded to second on the card as the two produced a forgettable contest over the US title.

What should have been an epic 'Mania blow-off, simply became a match Vince infamously bashed in Gorilla and one of the main reasons Jericho eventually walked out the WWE exit door.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...