10 Craziest High-Flying Moves In Wrestling

2. The Imploding 450 Splash

The 450 splash involves a forward somersault from elevation €“ usually the turnbuckle €“ to land on a prone opponent and straight into a pin. It was legitimately banned by the WWE for years due to the perceived danger of the move if executed incorrectly. The sloppy Juventud Guerrera had botched the landing while working with Paul London in 2005, hitting him in the face with his knee: it was incredible that bruising was the only result, and very fortunate for London. The ban was finally lifted in 2010, when then rising star Justin Gabriel proved to WWE management that he had the consistency required to hit the move properly 99% of the time. With the right camera angle, and the right amount of pacing and theatrics, the 450 splash is a classic high-flying finishing move€
€so of course there€™s a more impressive and more difficult version out there. The Imploding 450 Splash is the same move performed backwards, the wrestler standing with his back to the ring and jumping backwards before performing the forward 450 somersault. The opponent has to be lying closer to the corner, and there€™s less space to perform the manoeuvre. In the wrong hands, it€™ll look terrible. So it€™s fortunate that only the best tend to attempt it, really - like Little Dragon, Aero Star and Adrian Neville...
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.