10 Craziest WWE Bumps Of All Time

1. Mick Foley (No Way Out 2000)

Cactus Jack No Way Out 2000

Less than two years later, Mick Foley did away with the announce table idea and ended up being back-dropped by Triple H through Hell In A Cell and the ring's canvas below. At times, Mick has played along, claimed this was an accident and said he wasn't actually supposed to break the Cell's ceiling.

Whatever the case, it's impressive that he was able to control his landing enough to fall flush on his back.

Think about the height Foley got on that back drop. He was a good few feet above the Cell structure when Triple H pressed him over his back, and then he had to spin over enough to avoid the support beam next to his head. The whole thing was dangerous, carefree and showed more than a bit of daredevil spirit.

Had both men been standing a step or two to the left (as the hard cam looked at it), Mick's feet could have hit the ring ropes on the way down too, resulting in a certain bone break and probably worse for his head. Don't try this at home, folks.


What other unbelievable WWE bumps can you think of? Let us know your thoughts and memories down in the comments section below!

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Rey Mysterio
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