10 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept Before You Can Enjoy Wrestling

8. Commentators Can Talk About Anything (Except Wrestling)

You may have noticed that like all sports, wrestling comes with a team of commentators to explain what's happening to the audience. Michael Cole, Jerry the King Lawler and JBL are the team charged with calling the matches and giving us insights into who's winning and losing, why they don't like each other, and why we should care who wins at all. Then again it seems that Vince Mcmahon doesn't mind if his announce team occasionally (and sometimes not so occasionally) stray from the match to talk about other things, to tell personal anecdotes and to profess their undying love for "Puppies!" No, Vince doesn't mind if his commentators ignore the matches they're being paid to call and bicker amongst each other, arguing over who has the most twitter followers or who lasted longer in the Royal Rumble or who has the most ex-wives (that comes up more than you would think!) And if you're name is Michael Cole you apparently don't even have to know the names of basic wrestling moves. Seriously if I hear him refer to a Suplex as a "throw" one more time, I'm putting my head through the TV screen.
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John Cena
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As a wrestling fan I've flown across the Atlantic for the last five years specifically to attend WrestleMania (28 and 30) as well as TNA, ROH, Evolve, Chikara and most recently PWG. I may have a problem! But if you're reading my work then you probably love wrestling too, so lets focus on that!