10 Crazy Gimmicks Wrestling's Top Stars Endured

1. Steve Austin (The Ringmaster)

As many people know, the simple 'Austin 3:16' t-shirt is one of the best selling merchandise items in pro wrestling history. The shirt made millions for both the WWF/WWE and Steve Austin, and the catchphrase itself was a huge part of the man's appeal. It's difficult to imagine the Attitude Era without 'Stone Cold', because that character pretty much typified the entire era. Before becoming wrestling's favourite anti-hero, Austin was booked as 'The Ringmaster', a gimmick which sucked any shred of personality from him. Designed to focus on his superb technical in-ring skills, the persona instead highlighted that the character was lifeless and dull, giving fans little reason to become invested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6TQtjsfp-k With the 'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase by his side, Austin was just another also-ran on the WWF roster, except he didn't really have a platform to speak for himself and show was he could do. Eventually, Austin would shed the gimmick, becoming 'Stone Cold' and revolutionise the entire industry. What other crazy gimmicks can you think of that some of wrestling's top stars played before or after they shot to stardom? Do you remember any of the gimmicks on this list? Let us know down in the comments section below!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.