10 Crazy Gimmicks Wrestling's Top Stars Endured

10. Sting (Joker Sting)

Through the years, Steve Borden has tweaked his Sting character quite a bit. The initial 'Surfer' gimmick was successful, but the man would take things to an entirely new level by dramatically altering his appearance in the mid-90's, morphing into the 'Crow' Sting that is perhaps his most revered incarnation to date. By directly going after the all-powerful nWo from the shadows, this new, moodier Sting felt fresh, but it wouldn't be the last time Borden would look to shake things up. Years after World Championship Wrestling had bit the dust, Borden was plying his trade in TNA, directly going against the wishes of thousands of fans that he finally make the jump to perform in WWE. Eventually, Sting would make that leap, instantly becoming more relevant than he had been for years by falling under Vince McMahon's banner. In TNA however, Sting was an icon, one who didn't have a gimmick as such, simply being heralded as a legend of wrestling. In 2011, the Stinger started paying homage to Heath Ledger's portrayal of The Joker in the Batman movie, The Dark Knight. It was a strange time, and whilst Borden did put his all into the character, many fans found it hard to relate to, because it was such a remarkable departure from what Sting had been doing for years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOOmh9Wj8pQ
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.