10 Crazy Things You’ll Find On WWE Network (If You Search Deep Enough)
7. The Work Of A Convicted Sexual Felon

"We must scrub every mention of Chris Benoit's name in every data field. He isn't to be timestamped in any way, shape or form. It goes without saying that users cannot search for his work."
"Completely understandable. What about incestuous paedophile Buck Zumhofe?"
"Well, he didn't garner us any negative mainstream attention."
That, quite obviously, is a joke, but it's stunning to discover that one can simply up and search Zumhofe's name and watch much of his body of work, as if he was only a territorial journeyman, and not a veritable monster. The ethics of a complete whitewash are debatable - then again, it's not as if the innocent parties would miss out on the royalties they don't receive for working Zumhofe on streamed transmissions - but the fact that his name can be searched, whereas Benoit's cannot, feels at least like a lazy omission/careless double standard.
Zumhofe is a convicted sexual felon. This isn't court-of-public-opinion cry-arsing. On a logistical basis, scrubbing his work from the Network would likely prove an expensive headache, but maybe...don't let people...actively appreciate the work of a genuinely evil man.
The Top Of The Pops reruns don't feature Jimmy Saville nor Gary Glitter because the life of a man who ruined others is not to be endorsed.