8. SummerSlam 2005 Versus Shawn Michaels
As a die hard wrestling fan you probably look back on this as a match full of hilarity. However, for me, watching with a more than casual fan at the time, trying to watch this proved to be one of the most cringe-filled fifteen minutes of my life. And it was all Hulk's fault. As the story goes, Hulk and Shawn were supposed to have two matches together at SummerSlam and then the next month at Unforgiven 2005. Shawn was told he was going to have to put over Hulk at SS - he wasn't happy about it, but business is business, right? Besides, he'd get his win back a short time later anyway. The Heartbreak Kid's mood worsened when he was told in the buildup to the SummerSlam match that Hulk was working 'hurt' and wouldn't be able to do the job in the return bout. Shawn thought to himself, "f*ck this, I'm going to make a mockery of this man", and so proceeded to oversell everything. And then some. Honestly, we all know Shawn is one of the best sellers ever, but he took it to the next level here, with some farcical flipping and flopping around. Cringefest. There's no other word to describe it.
Ross Tweddell
Content Producer
Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.
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