10 Cringeworthy Hulk Hogan Wrestling Moments

5. Mistaken Identities

Why did WWE keep doing this to us? It made for some of the most painfully cringeworthy television of all-time. I know storylines of this ilk were supposed to have us laughing at the expense of the heels for falling for these tricks but, for me at least, this simply didn't work and just made wrestling seem even more stupid. Hulk, under the guises of Hulk Machine and latterly Mr America, tried to convince his adversaries that he wasn't under those respective masks. On-air authority figures like Mr McMahon fell for the ruses, somehow. Well, not really, but Hogan did pass a lie detector test, while McMahon failed miserably. To illustrate how cringeworthy these moments were, just look a Hulk trying to convince The Heenan Family on this occasion that isn't him under the Hulk Machine mask, by pretending to be from the Far East - which to him consists of cringeworthy karate stances and a lot of head wobbling. Urgh! https://youtu.be/V2u8rVJvh-M?t=2m6s
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.